Friday, 17 June 2011

Model Files

SketchUp Model:

Sandbox Model:

Elevator Keys:

Lady Gaga's up: P
Lady Gaga's down: N
Johnathan Ive's up: L
Johnathan Ive's sown: K 

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Experiment 3 Final Submission

Final Crysis Model

Overview with daylight

Overview from the side of Gaga's office, we can see the huge scale of the mass which suggests power of control.

Standing on Ive's office watching Gaga's office and the bridge.

Showing the bridge.

Elevation showing the contrast of scale. 

The dining table.

Looking up to the bridge from the valley.

Overview with light effect.

Ive's office and the elevator with blue light.

Standing on part of Ive's office watching Gaga's office.

Showing the detailed component on Gaga's office, witch suggests order.

Showing the detailed component on Gaga's office.

Showing the detail of  Ive's office.

Standing on Ive's elevator watching Gaga's office.

Standing on Gaga's elevator watching Ive's office.

Ive's office, overview with light.


36 Textures

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Two-point Perspectives

rule, upward

involve, control

stable, creation

lead, universal

potential, constraint

deep, distinction

change, enable

influence, authority

persuasion, fear


Power suggests abilities of control and creation, it allows you to save things that on the brink of collapse, absolutely devastate those gravely unfortunate realities, and then command people who assembled around you and lead them to achieve a revolutionary spectacular.

Lady Gaga: Lizzie Smith and Ben Todd, “Lady Gaga throws Brit Awards into chaos as she ditches plans for big performance”, accessed 10 May 2011,

Oprah Winfrey: “Oprah Winfrey”, The New York Times, accessed 10 May 2011,

Jonathan Ive: Gordon Kelly, “Why Ive is so important”, accessed 10 May 2011,

One-point Perspectives

persuasion, control 
involve, universal

upward, distinction 

stable, deep

lead, potential

change, authority
constraint, influence
rule, fear

enable, creation

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Experiment 2 Final Submission

Two hypothesis:

Issac: Stubborn people are unhappy and unmarried.
Sigmund: Being a psychoanalysis leads to self inflicted pain. 

Electroliquid Aggregation:

Being a stubborn people may lead to self inflicted pain.

Final Sketchup Model

The two parts of labs are interlocking with each other, but never touching each other. Since the left part suggests stubborn people, whom are not easy been persuaded by others. Also, the right part suggests people who got self inflicted pain. This sort of people are sometimes  anti-social, which means not so easy to communicate with. So for those two kinds of people, it's hard to make a meeting. They need go down from there lab, the anti-social one also need walking through a long narrow path to make the meat. The meeting point is near the Issac's lab, because he is stubborn and stubborn people always want others to accept their ideas, this is also way his lab is "pushing out", and the Sigmund's lab is stepping back.

Showing different parts of the mass: Red: Issac's lab. Blue: Sigmund's lab. Green: Meeting space. Yellow: Structural components. 

Red and blue lines show the way to the meeting point from two labs.

Final Crysis Model

Over view with daylight
Showing the details of the landscape
The meeting space
The long narrow path lead to the meeting space from Sigmund's lab. Also showing the interlocking
Issac's lab is "pushing out", and the Sigmund's lab is stepping back
Over view with light at night
Standing on the long path looking at the meeting point
Meeting point with light, also showing the interlocking part
Issac's lab got a stronger light effect, since he is stubborn

Detail of the landscape